Thursday, March 04, 2021

presure in your tires

 one of the easiest things to do.

keep tires up...then one day wham.

 you've seen it happen when you don't expect it, you're suddenly

looking down on misery, not always yours thank god, everyone has a turn.

it happens all around...or used to, yes, misery.  they're making 

better tires than they used to. we used to look down and find a state of distress...

well, yeah.  remember patching tires. a while ago. this is miserable truth.

i am not kidding. on the good side when things are fine we can pull over on the road side 

chew a twig of grass, oh, and sit on a

 knoll, enjoy the view. your tire is okay,l

just relax...take it easy for a while. you're not in a hurry. it's a good sunshiney day.

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