Friday, May 17, 2024

Foldout in the yard to eradicate poison ivy.

most all the yard is safe. she sees spots of poison ivy. working slowly she'll spray. make the yard sFe everywhere.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Louray Gardens

quiet on the way then few customers around today. this is after planting season, that's the reason ir's so quiet here this way. abeautiful summer morning i gota say.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dancing in the dark

swing to the beat watch the line keep it neat tap in time, happy feet. tire out, fAke a seat. working with the elite. lightly showing, together dancing tonight.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Free time

thunder once large started with nothing then begame full of rumble. so the order became simple. two now a second crackle thundering. seems mighty still in between. a banner morning of big noise. large hello today this Saturday. i think meri is making me oatmeal. it took a few wacks until i decided. but that is where i finally landed. cool and rain forcast planting and summer we wait for.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Born on the edge

we found sunshine today; starting our way with brightness. an easy beginning full of flavor, we savour these ways. so set them up, Joe. we're on the go. here are best wishes for ya. do well in California, you and all our pals, dancing guys and gals. we chear ya, keepin' near ya in our hearts, we hope it shows.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Advance advice

now that i have your attention: you know the rainy days finally ended. play a few chords and sing to it. the rabbits seem to like this place. add some brushes and color. do i have to apply it for you? jump in and start swimming. mmmhm warm water

Tuesday, May 07, 2024


a quiet nisty beginning today. looks like heavy cloud cover. and this is how the day stayed.

Orange is the color of my true love’s

seven and showered. have you cleared the morn? may as well did you sleep well? what's up? glad we ran far yesterday so today's off. that's why it's still; so darn still. no movement out there. i'll be quiet.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Down ted and ali’s cafe way

went and it was closed. sign said tuesday - tomorrow. we rocketed down a hundred miles. been coming to shelby ten years. so, found 39 Diner today. coffee is good. drove by a lot of farmland. then eating bisquits and gravy. this is all you need poemwise.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Big parade

they call it that, or often this, so we shall see soon, they call it that anyway. we'll see or get by without it, sounds more to my liking

Friday, May 03, 2024


guide us bright all is right on the night smooth rolling

Thursday, May 02, 2024

The little one

sure is fun to see speedy around never a sound expecting nothing when she appears. getting on quickly has a space to claim. seems to know her lane. keeps out of the crowd. never running loud new baby bunny.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Time of the year

relax and enjoy the weather is right the sun is bright we've seen rabbits large ss twenty-five pound pandas the warm weather will charm ya, there's nothing to harm ya. we're skidding in the home-free zone.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Working this week

got to clean places snakes hide. we know what we're cleaning for. quick breakfast at home. we have cleaning to do. listning to her, she is callm and sensible concerning the garden problems with the water downspouts. ... takes time.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Good shiney Monday

how pleasant the morning is on a crystal clear day. some clouds, some blue sky, summer is on the way.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Often time

rabbits can't be seen, yet you know they're out there. hidden in the overgrowth slipping through the green

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Weak again

looks wet but i expect such seeing quietly this morning seems damp now, holy cow,let's plow into Sunday. doing our best. passing the test. stop mumbling. a day to go then we rest. i'll tell you when you can sit on your nest like a hen.

Friday, April 26, 2024


we've a knockout blue this morn. everything in order clear down to the border. couldn't ask for more,

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Waiting in the hospital.

how patient can the patient be? the waiting are has only me and a chattering tv. a bird would be netter. would be. would be.

Rocket out

into space a plenty. look for bunnies and birds; some may be around this morning calm and sunny. a beautiful blue sky day begins. quiet and neat, all is in order as it ought to be.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Made plans

called gary he and i were on vacation. lanned to meet that afternoon. got ready,called to pick him up. answers but doesn't talk. Gary ? bo response. give phone to a friend. we heard tou, Gary. are tou ready?

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sealing leaf

Sun by nine a m. Warming day. Have to make notes could remove my shoes is there rice today? now a slice of buttered, warm bread sun in the yard hits hard. sharp, warm shade. the leaves drifted down the drain then were stuck there good bread she made. Cat watches to learn. they talk bread. enough said. dog Ted finishes piece.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Our sea


See the seaside

Our day of joy

Friends and family on the shore 

Sure paints a scene to remember 

Step carefully around the shells.

Sip a coffee you carry along.

A lot of people. Sure are.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Vegan shoes

No animal was harmed In the making of my shoes. had salad and some pizza. sunny, warm; took a drive, saw lake Skinner. day went well. Catherine drove us. saw around these parts.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A day follows the other


On a bench overlooking the ocean

a beautiful view on a Tuesday morning .

Gerry and I talked and sat out watching.

Seeing the natural order of all.

A good way to pass time and easily visit.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Don’t figure/can’t told


How where I am

Pacific Ocean scant wave sounds 

Leaning waters

Waves wash me

Middle seat on a packed airplane


Too much like life.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Preps complete


Two days to go, we’re ready.

Have clothes in order.

Are you seeing the daffodils lining the way?

They’re spring to summer reminders.

So are the white blossoms.

Maybe when we return the warmth will have begun.

Just hoping. That’s reasonable.

Meanwhile we’re checking everything again.

It’ll  be good to see everyone.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Soak it up


All day piles of rain tumble down

Make yards and fields crowded with water ponds,

You know it’s better than snow around,

Seems rain is the way to go.

In an early morning rain


Kept me covered, over my head

Into quiet warmth so cozy 

Thoughts turn to California 

So fine, dear friends 

Coming up.