Sunday, November 09, 2008

Paradox - some places have poetry on or coming out of them

some places have poetry on or coming out of them
i’ve found them by carefully examining small beach stones,
under trees and near water, on forgotten notes in the pockets
of jackets i haven’t worn for a while,

on city streets, especially at corners,
in crowded stores when the music’s not too loud
or on buses, on hot days or in rain or snow.
when gears shift and someone is directing traffic,

i feel it when i’m there, later, or passing by
no telling why it is so, a fireplace helps,
the coffee shop when the dream starts, or birds fly
a cloud tilts a certain way, how the waitress
places the menu down and walks
already a block away in her mind,

the touch of polished old hand rail
while taking a soft carpeted stair
and the colors like a painting,
a landscape i once saw in a book,
that reminds me of
some place i want to be


Tumblewords: said...

Ah, this is a wonderfully well done post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack, Well said, this is truely a poets poem or should I say an inspired poets poem. I love the way you find such inspiration everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I share your views on this! My first visit to your blog, and I like it.

Sherri B. said...

This was incredibly visual...I could see everything so clearly. Thanks for taking me right there with you!

jack sender said...

thanks to all.
just returned to Roma minutes ago,
jet lagged.

jack sender said...

I wish to thank everyone for leaving comments. I don't respond as often as may be considered the convention, but isn't the whole blog thing in a development stage? For me it is. After a year I am still trying to set my blog up, and at the same time, keep up with changes.

I read and write full time. That's not an excuse, it's just what happens, and still I barely keep up.

Again, thanks for the comments. I'll read you. You read me.