Saturday, August 18, 2012

the air that i breathe

the air that i breath
thankful i am for the invention
and skies above
another fine intention

ground to walk on
amid the clutter of people
in city hub bub
seemingly without direction

as birds soar above
fish swim the sea
waters rain upon us
streams flow

frogs jump,
nearly hidden cats lurking, see all
here, where we can, on good days,
nap in the sun

1 comment:

Annie said...

The poem reads like a long breath, with a rhythm change that brings the poem to a satisfying conclusion; and all of the images work together to bring a sense of movement and atmosphere to the reader. I like how the poem begins with "I" and then you use the word "we" instead of I, "where we can, on good days, nap in the sun." It makes the poem inclusive, and the reader can identify with, and then remember the pleasure of the ordinary, yet profound experience of napping, on good days, in the sun.